This represents the summary for Vehicle Insurance.

The Vehicle Insurance screen include the following fields:
Name | Description |
Insurance ID | Auto assigned by the system. Read only. User can´t change it. |
Single Insurance Provider | Indicates if the Insurance is provided for a single supplier. If true allow only a single vendor (true is default) If false allow the user to select different |
Insurance Vendor Code | Allow the user to select a vendor by doing look up. |
Policy Number | Policy number given by the vendor that providing the insurance. This value must be unique in entire table by vendor. |
Description | Brief description of the insurance. |
Remarks | Important comments about the insurance. |
Registered By | Auto assigned by the system. User that registered the insurance. Do not allow update on this field. |
Registered date | Auto assigned by the system when row was created. Do not allow update on this field. |
Approved by | Auto assigned by the system when row is approved. Do not allow update on this field. |
Date of approval | Auto assigned by the system when the insurance is approved Do not allow update on this field. |
Workflow Status | Assigned by the system. “created” “On review” “Approved” "Finished" "Cancelled" |
Insurance Status | Auto assigned by the system depending on status “Being registered” “Active” “Finished” "Voided". Do not allow update on this field. |
Max Insurance End Date | Automatically populated by the system with the maximum end date of the Vehicle Insurance Detail attribute Read only for the user. |
Total Cost (Domestic currency) | Sum of all of the cost details for each vehicle in the entire insurance. |
Insurance Detail | 1 or more of Vehicle Insurance Details. |