This report allows filtering and grouping the information of the revenue by any level of the structure of the account plan, presenting what is perceived, returned and paid for the returns. It provides different filter option to generate a specific report.
A screenshot of the Taxes Refund Report is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to installed revision, System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration.
Users access Taxes Refund Report from within the menu through this navigation path: Revenue Management ► Reports ► Nicaragua Reports ► Taxes Refund Report.
The following table lists and describes all filter fields for the Taxes Refund Report in their default order. Note that some fields depends on System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | It lists and allows users to select the fiscal year as a filter for the report. The default value is set as the current open fiscal year. |
Fiscal Period From | It lists and allows users to select the initial value of the fiscal period range as a report filter. |
Fiscal Period To | It lists and allows users to select the end value of the fiscal period range as a report filter. |
Invoice Classification | It shows list of the invoice classification and allows users to select one or more invoice classification code as a filter. |
Comment | Allows users to add a custom comment to the generated report. |
Coding Block Filter Type | It lists and allows users to select the coding block filter type. |
Coding Block | It allows users to select the coding block using lookup feature or users can enter manually. |
Segment | It lists and allows users to select the segment as report filter. |
Concept | It lists the concept according to the segment selection and allows users to select it as a filter. |
Visible Fields
The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Taxes Refund Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration. A sample of the Taxes Refund Report is available here.
Field | Description |
Report Date | It indicates the report generation date. |
Report Time | It indicates the report generation time. |
User Code | It shows the user ID who generates the report. |
Page Number | It indicates the page number. |
Government Name | It indicates the name of the government. |
Institution Name | The top parent institution from the employee who is printing the report. |
Report Name | It indicates the name of the report. |
Type of budgetary control | It indicates the type of the budget control as per the users filter selections. |
Fiscal Year | It indicates the fiscal year as per the filter selected by users. |
Filter Criteria | It indicates the filters whatever selected by users. |
Currency | It indicates the domestic currency of the country or as per the selection of users. |
Comments | It shows the comment entered by user during the report generation. |
Description | It shows the decription according to the coding block element selection. |
Income accumulated | Shows the sum amount of period actual YTD domestic from budget control distribution. |
Refund | Shows the sum of all (tax amount) that belongs to the invoice item depending on the coding block. |
Total Income | It shows total income amount after subtracting the refund amount from income accumulated. |
Refund % | Shows percentage of refund amount. |
Refund Paid | It indicates the total refund amount paid. |
Paid % | Shows percentage of paid amount. |
The following table describes actions associated with the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Taxes Refund Report feature.
Button Image | Description |
 | This button allows users to generate the report as PDF format. |
 | This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel format. |
 | This button allows users to generate the report in the excel format. |
 | This button allows users to generate the report in ODS format. |
 | This button allows users to generate the report in RTF format. |
 | This button allows the users to generate the report in MS Word format. |
 | This button allows users to generate the report in ODT format. |