The Chart of Accounts Mapping Table allows the accounts from the Payroll System to be mapped to the current Chart of Accounts from the Integrated Financial Management Information System. This means that users maintain the relation between the accounts used by the payroll and those current in the Chart of Accounts, these accounts are used by the Payroll Interface to create expense vouchers.
Expenditures ►Suriname Payroll Interface ► Coa Mapping.

Suriname CoA Mapping Screen Fields
Suriname CoA Mapping screen includes following Fields.
Fields | Description |
Id | Unique identification code for Suriname CoA Mapping. |
Cost Account | Cost Account code for the current payroll system. |
Coding Block | Coding Block which is to be mapped to be selected from lookup button. |
Created On | Date and Time when CoA Mapping were created. |
Created By | Users by whom CoA Mapping was made. |
Updated On | Date and Time when last update on CoA mapping were made. |
Updated By | Users by whom last updates were made. |