The Report Execution catalog stores and shows the execution log and history of generated reports through report server. Report generation status, timestamps, user, etc. is displayed. Users can also download the generated report.
A screenshot of Report Execution screen is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to the installed revision, System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration.
Users access Report Execution screen within the menu through this navigation path: Admin ► Report Server ► Report Executions.
Visible Fields
The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Report Executions feature in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Fields | Description |
User | Refers to the user who generated the report. |
Report Name | This attribute allows to add report name. |
Created Date From | This attribute is to select a report creation to set a range for filtering the records from that date. |
Created Date To | This attribute is to select a report creation to set a range for filtering the records till that date. |
Executions Status | It indicates executions status of the generated report. |
Progress Status | This field indicates the progress status of the generated report. |
Start Date | It refers to the start date and time of the report execution. |
End Date | It refers to the end date and time of the report execution. |
Attachment | The attachment contains the final executed report. |
The following table describes actions associated to the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the system.
Button Image | Description |
 | Find button presents a list of existing items as per the selected filter criteria. From the list users may select one record to retrieve the stored information. |
 | Full Screen button allows users to see the report control in full screen mode. |
 | The Lookup tool allows users to browse and select existing items. Once selected, all available information automatically populates the corresponding fields. |
 | Calendar allows users to select a calendar date |
 | This is the Delete button. System asks for confirmation after clicking on the button and once confirmed the record is deleted from the system. |