Standalone Obligation Rollover


This function will provide the ability to transfer the Obligation balance from fiscal year <x> to the following fiscal year <x+1>. For this function to be available it requires at least 2 open, active fiscal year(Fiscal Year Status='Open' and attribute Current Fiscal Year for Budget Execution Is Active=True. ). If more than 2 years are available, the oldest year <x> will be rolled forward to the next year <x+1>.

The function can be executed as part of the full fiscal year end process or as a stand alone function.


Budgeting & Appropriation ► Standalone Obligation Rollover


Standalone Obligation Rollover screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year for that users want to transfer the Obligation balance.

Rollover Fiscal Period

Fiscal Period to which users want to transfer the Obligation balance.

Rollover Individual Transactions

Transactions marked with flag "Roll over".