This feature is used to add and maintain the different groups and subgroups (printable or not) to a Group Report.
A screenshot of the Group Report Header feature is available here<. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to the installed revision, System Paramters and Rendering Control configuration.
Users access Group Report Header from within the menu through this navigation path: Admin ► Custom Report ► Group Reports ► Group Report Header.
Visible Fields
The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Group Report Header feature, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Field | Description |
Code | Stores the unique identifier for the group report header. This is a read only field as the value is automatically generated by the system, and is increased based on a sequence. |
Active | Default value for this field is true. If this value is changed to false, it can’t be used again and the record remains for reference purposes only. |
Printable | Default value for this field is true. If this value is changed to false, then users are unable to print this group report header. |
Print Amount | Default value for this field is true. If this value is changed to false, then users are unable to print amount for this group report header. |
Print Indent | Default value for this field is true. If this value is changed to false, then users are unable to print indent for this group report header. |
Print Literal | Allows users to define the rules for literal print. |
Print Order | Allows to define the print order. In this order the system prints the header's group items. |
Multiplier Factor | Allows users to define the multiplier factor. The defined multiplicity factor is applicable to the group total. Default value = 1.00. The system accepts any positive and negative decimal. |
Language | Users are allowed to select the language to register the description. |
Group Name | Allows to define the printable short name of the group. |
Description | Allows to define the detail description of the group. |
Group Report Details Tab | Using this tab, users are allowed to create one or more group report detail. |
Child Group Info Tab | Using this tab, users are allowed to select child group infor using the lookup function. |
Group Report Calculation Tab | Using this tab, users are allowed to select one or more group report calculation. |
The following table describes actions associated to the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the expense voucher feature.
Button Image | Description |
 | The New button allows users to switch to insert mode. This action button allows users to manually create group reports. |
 | The Find button allows users a list of existing items as per the selected filter criteria. From the list users may select one record to retrieve the stored information. |
 | The Search button allows users to switch to search mode. |
 | The Lookup tool allows users to browse and select existing items. Once selected, all available information automatically populates the corresponding fields. |
 | The New button allows users to add a new record under the tab. A screen appears allowing users to enter new information for a detail item. |
 | The Remove button allows users to remove a record. A screen appears to confirm the record is deleted. |
 | When users are required to sort by a specific filtering criterion, the Select All button allows to highlight all the filter criteria. |
 | When users are required to sort by a specific filtering criterion, the Unselect All button unselects all previously highlighted filter criteria. |
 | The Save button allows users to save the information inputted. The record is stored and a confirmation message is presented. |