

Audits are lists of audit procedures to be performed by audit staff in order to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence.

Audit programs are important because they standardize the data collection and evaluation process. By setting out a specific list of steps to be followed and data to be collected, the program ensures that auditors collect all the information they need in an efficient manner while under appropriate supervision.



Internal Audit ► Audits


Audits screen Fields and Tabs




Field represents the Unique identification code of the Audit.

Audit Plan

The Parent Audit Plan for this Audits. Filter Criteria displaying the list of Approved Audit Plans.

Audit Type

The type of Audit that is to be conducted. Filter Criteria displaying the list of created Audit Types.

Audit Date

States date on which the Audit will be conducted.

Audit Approver

The Application user defined as Audit Approver. Filter Criteria displaying the list of application users.

Approved Date

Date on which the Audit was approved.

From Date

States the Audit Period Start Date.

To Date

States the Audit Period End Date.

Audit Date Time

System date and time of the Audit creation.


Filter Criteria displaying a list of Application Users to be targeted as Auditors.


Country specific language use to add General Observation details.

General Observations

General Observations/Target regarding the Audit Plan.

Auditor Tab

This tab allows to insert the user who is responsible for the Audit activities.

Audits Audit Activity Tab

This tab allows to add details information about the audit activities.

Attachment Tab

Users can insert file as attachment for details information.