Navigate (By default, you will be in Search Mode.) Overview The Payment screen contains the collection of Contract Payments. It includes Planned Payments, Payment Advances, and Payments already completed. Payments have a specific workflow that enables a Drop to move from the Planned to the Approved stage. Illustrated below is the Payments Workflow: The following workflow transitions are manual transitions. Below is a table with the Manual Workflow Transitions illustrated above. This table indicates the transition name, transition type, previous status required, and the next status of a Payment:
Navigation or (By default, you will be in Search Mode.) Overview Completing a Payment to a Vendor involves changing the status of a Payment from Planned to Completed. This process can be done by a user with the appropriate authority. When an authorized user completes a Payment, the System will show a screen in which the following information is required: Document Number, Payment Method, Comments, and Comments (in Payment Details). Within the same screen, the System will calculate and show the Final Payment Amount. The System will show the following Contract attributes: Payment Amount, Deduction Amount by Payment Advances, Deduction Amount by Payment Retention(s), Payment Detail Amount and Final Payment Amount. The System will execute the following Validations:
To COMPLETE/MAKE a Payment, follow the steps below: 1. OPEN the Payment you wish to set as Completed. Note: By default, users defined to oversee setting Payment to Completed will receive an Internal Message:
Or, you can navigate to the module and search for the Payment you wish to set to Completed. To do this, go to Step 3 below.
Note: In order to set a Payment as Completed, the previous Payment status must be set to Planned. Note: Once the Payment is set to Completed, the next status for the Payment may be Approval Requested or Canceled (refer to Workflow Transitions for Payments for more information).
Navigation or (By default, you will be in Search Mode.) Overview To REQUEST APPROVAL for a Payment, follow the steps below:
Note: In order to Request Approval for a Payment, the previous Payment status must be set to Completed. Note: Once Approval is Requested, changes to Payments are no longer permitted. Note: After Approval is Requested, the next status for the Payment maybe set to Approved or Cancelled (refer to Workflow Transitions for Payments for more information).
Navigation or (By default, you will be in Search Mode.) Overview Approving a Payment involves changing the Payment status from Completed to Approved. Once the Payment status change to Approved is completed, the System will update Payment Progress for all the Drops involved in the Payment (refer to Update of Payment Progress process for more information). If the Financial Accounting System Installed parameter is set to true, the System will associate a financial transaction (expense voucher) to the FreeBalance Financial Accounting System (refer to Contract Management System Parameters for more information). To APPROVE an Approval Request for a Payment, follow the steps below: Note: By default, users defined to oversee setting Payment to Approve will receive an Internal Message:
Or, you can navigate to the module and search for the Payment you wish to set to Completed. To do this, go to Step 3 below.
Note: In order to Approve a Payment, the previous Payment status must be set to Approval Requested. Note: Once the Payment Request for Approval is Approved, no further modifications can be made to a Payment (refer to Workflow Transitions for Normal Payments for more information).
Navigation or (By default, you will be in Search Mode.) Overview Upon approval of a Payment, the Drops involved in the Payment are updated according to their Payment Progress (refer to Approve a Normal Payment for more information). The Updated Payment Progress information will be used by the System to track Payments. The following attributes, relating to the Contract Payment Progress, will be automatically Updated:
Note: The Sum of Payment Detail Amount will include Approved Payments which include the Drop (refer to Contract Line Item Drops for more information).
Note: The Line Item Payment Current Progress includes Drops that belong to the Line Item (refer Line Item for more information).
Note: The Contract Payment Current Progress formula uses all the Line Items belonging to a Contract (refer to Managed Contract for more information). |
Navigation or (By default, you will be in Search Mode.) Overview To REJECT an Approval Request for a Payment, follow the steps below: 1. OPEN the Payment you wish to Reject. Note: By default, users with authority to Reject a Payment will receive an Internal Message:
Or, you can navigate to the module and search for the Payment you wish to Reject. To do this, go to Step 3 below.
Note: In order to Reject a Payment, the previous Payment status must be set to Approval Requested. Note: Once the Payment has been Rejected, the Payment status will change back to Completed (refer to Workflow Transitions for Normal Payments for more information).
Navigation or (By default, you will be in Search Mode.) Overview To CANCEL a Payment, follow the steps below: 1. OPEN the Payment you wish to Cancel. Note: By default, users defined to close a Payment will receive an Internal Message:
Or, you can navigate to the module and search for the Payment you wish to Cancel. To do this, go to Step 3 below.
Note: In order to Cancel a Payment, the previous Payment status must be set to Planned, Completed, or Approval Requested (refer to Workflow Transitions for Payments for more information).