Budget Line Bulk Management


This screen consist of searching feature related to the bulk management of the Budget Line.



Budget Planning ► Budget Line Bulk Management


Budget Line Bulk Management screen Fields and Tabs



Budget Planning Scenario

Scenario from which the Budget Plan information is selected using look up button.

Coa Group

Display all available Budget Planning Scenario CoA Group as a drop down list. Select from the drop down list. Mandatory Parameter.

Budget Version

Field from which the Budget Version information is selected using look up button.

Budget Plan Type

Display all available Types of Budget Plan. Select from the drop down list.

Budget Line Status

Display all available Budget Line Status. Select from the drop down list.


Select institution using look up button for the filtering purpose.

Budget Planning Scenario Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year from which the information is selected using look up button.

Budget Plans

Budget Plan information is selected using look up button.