This function allows instructing the Ministries/Departments/Other Institutions to prepare the Audit Plan in order to conduct the audit. It is a support feature.
Internal Audit ► Audit Event
Audit Event screen Fields and Tabs
Field | Description |
Id | Unique identification. Automatic or System Generated. |
Event Date | Date of the Audit Event creation. |
Language | Country specific language used to insert name and description of Audit Event. |
Name | User defined Audit Event Name. |
Description | General Description and objectives of Audit Event. |
Requester | The institution that is requesting the Audit that is the motive for this event. Filter Criteria displaying the list of the government institution matrix. |
Audit Event Application User Tab | Tab allows users to insert of one or more application user into Audit Event. |
Attachment Tab | Tab allows users to insert addition information as attachment. |