Cost Driver


Cost Driver allows users to assign standardized prices or amounts to planning budget coding blocks.

It can have more than one record associated to the same coding block, for instance, for budget visa fee (specific coding block), there can be more than one cost driver, each one associated to different visa type with its related amount. This works as a catalogue which can be applicable to many scenarios and budget versions.



Budget Planning ► Support Entities ► Budget Plan ► Cost Driver


Cost Driver screen Fields




This is a unique identifier that is automatically assigned by the system, if the System Parameter Generate Cost Driver ID is set to True, or manually entered by the User if the System Parameter Generate Cost Driver ID is set to False.


The default value is true. If this value is False then this Cost Driver cannot be used in future transactions.

Is Mandatory

The default value is true meaning the only way to enter the associated coding block in a budget line is through the Cost Driver Tab of the Budget Plan. If this value is False then users will be able to enter the associated coding block directly as budget line or using the Cost Driver Tab of the Budget Plan.


The corresponding Cost Driver Type needs to be selected as it will be used for search purposes when using it in budget planning entity.


Users must select the CoA which is going to be used for this Cost Driver.

CoA Group

This is the CoA Group that will be used for the Type Definition.

Type Definition

This contains a type definition which can be a valid coding block or a coding block expression.

InstitutionCost Driver Institution, according to the Institution users have access to that is Budget Office.
Catalogue ItemCatalogue item reference for this cost driver.
GranteeReference to Receiver Grants, system validates that no other Cost Driver has the same value.
Unit Of MeasureReference to Unit of Measure used in Cost Driver.
Cost Driver HierarchyUser can select the corresponding Hierarchy, it will be used for report purposes.


This contains the currency for the Cost Driver amount, which can be either in domestic or foreign currency.

Exchange RateExchange rate related to currency, applicable when using multi currency.


The language used to describe the Cost Driver.


This contains the name of the Cost Driver.


This contains the description of the Cost Driver.

Cost Driver Per Fiscal Year Tab

This contains the Cost Driver amount per Fiscal Year, in Domestic or Foreign Currency, according to the Currency specified.