This report shows a list of the Catalogue Items grouped by Priority (High, Medium, Low). It contains the following information of each Catalogue Item: Catalogue Item ID, Item Short Description, Item Type (Good or Service), Unit of Measure – UOM, Stock Item (Yes or No), Item Class, and Default Account. The following filters are available: Priority, Item Type, Stock Item, and Item Class.
An example of the report is shown below.
The Catalogue Item By Priority Report includes the following fields:
Report Fields | Description |
Report Date | Date of report generation automatically generated by the system |
Report Time | Time of report generation automatically generated by the system |
User | User who generates the report |
Page | Page Number |
Filter Criteria | Filter Criteria as entered under the Catalogue Item By Priority Report |
Sort By | Used to sort the report by Priority (downward) and Catalogue ID (upward) |
Priority | The level of importance of a specific report |
Number of Items | The number of asset items listed in a specific report |
Cat. Item ID | The identification number of the category item |
Short Description | The description of the asset item |
Type | The type of inventory item. For example, a good or a service |
UOM | The classification for measurement of the catalogue item |
Stock | Defines whether an inventory item is or is not in stock (Yes if in stock, No if not in stock) |
Item Class | Defines basic characteristics of the inventory item |
Default Account | If an element is defined in the object segment of the chart of accounts, this code will be used as part of the coding block when issuing a purchase order or purchase requisition that includes this particular item |
The Catalogue Item By Priority Report shows a list of the Catalogue Items grouped by Priority (High, Medium, Low).
To GENERATE this report, follow the steps below:
The Catalogue Item By Priority Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:
If all filter criteria are left blank, all Stocks, Item Types, and Item Classes will be included in the Report, as well as the Item Classes allowed by the report user security profile.
The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the ,
, and
This report shows the Classification List of the Catalogue Item. It can be by Category or Class because the system has these two types of classification. The report contains the following information of each Classification Item: ID, Name, and Level. The report can be filtered by Level, this allows to the user to choose until what level he/she wants to include in the report.
An example of the report is shown below.
The Catalogue Item Classification List Report includes the following fields:
Report Fields | Description |
Report Date | Date of report generation automatically generated by the system |
Report Time | Time of report generation automatically generated by the system |
User | User who generates the report |
Page | Page Number |
Type | The type that the Catalogue Item Classification List Report is designated to. For example, this report is defined by category |
Sort By | Used to sort the report by Category ID (upward) |
Category ID | The identification number of the category |
Category Short Description | The description of the assets in the inventory category |
Level | The level of functions associated and attached to a hierarchy of connected items |
The Catalogue Item Classification List Report shows the Classification List of the Catalogue Item.
To GENERATE this report, follow the steps below:
The Catalogue Item Classification List Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:
If all filter criteria are left blank, all Levels will be included in the Report.
The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the ,
, and
Material Received Returned includes a list of the Material Items received/returned by an Institution Unit. It contains information of each Item Received/Returned such as Good/Service Received Note (GSRN) ID, Note Type (Receive or Return), GS Type (Good or Service), Catalogue Item, Item Short Description, Quantity, Total Cost, Vendor, Purchase Order (PO) Ref ID, etc.
An example of the report is shown below.
Material Received Returned Report includes the following fields:
Report Fields | Description |
Report Date | The date the report was created |
Report Time | The time the reports was created |
User | The person creating the report |
Page | Represents the number of pages the report has |
Filter Criteria | Filter Criteria as entered under Asset Valuation Report |
Sort By | Describes how the report is ordered (i.e. GSRN ID (downward)) |
GSRN ID | Good/Service Received Note unique identification number |
Note Type | Receive or Return |
GS Type | Refers to the Good or Service type |
Catalogue Item ID | Unique identification number describing the material |
Item Short Description | Short text describing the material |
Qty / Perc. | Refers to the number of materials |
UOM | Stand for Unit of Measurement used to measure the material (unit, hours, ream, hundred) |
Total Amount | The total cost of the materials |
GSRN Status | Refers to the current status of the Good/Service Received Note (i.e. Created, Approved) |
Issue Date | Describes the date the material was received or returned |
Vendor | Refers to the supplier of the asset (material) |
GSRN Ref ID | Good/Service Received Note unique transaction reference identification number |
PO Ref ID | Purchase Order Unique reference number |
A Material Received Returned report that describes if an inventory item has been returned or received.
To GENERATE, follow the steps below:
The Material Received Returned Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:
If all filter criteria’s are left blank, all Warehouse, Catalogue Item ID, Issue Date From and Issue Date To will be included in the Report, as well as the Institutions allowed by the report user security profile.
The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the ,
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This report shows a list of the Material Items requested by Institution Units. It contains information of each Requested Item such as Request ID, Catalogue Item ID, Item Short Description, Required Quantity, Total Cost, Supply Status, Issue Date, Institution Unit, etc. Some filters are available such as Institution Unit, Request ID, Catalogue Item ID, Supply Status, Issue Dates Range, Items with or without Purchase Requisitions, etc.
An example of the report is shown below.
The Material Request Report includes the following fields:
Report Field | Description |
Report Date | Date of report generation automatically generated by the system |
Report Time | Time of report generation automatically generated by the system |
User | User who generates the report |
Page | Page Number |
Filter Criteria | Filter Criteria as entered under the Material Request Report |
Sort By | Used to sort the report by Request ID (downward) |
Request ID | The identification number of the Request ID |
Catalogue Item ID | The identification number of the Catalogue Item |
Item Short Description | The description of the items in the Material Request Report |
Req. Qty | The required quantity of the specific item |
UOM | The classification for measurement of the inventory item |
Total Cost | The total cost of the inventory item |
Supply Status | States whether the inventory item is available |
Issue Date | The date of issue of the inventory item |
Req. Institution Unit | The institution which will approve the inventory item order process |
Priority | The level of importance of the inventory item in the report |
Max Req. Date | The date that the required number of inventory items for that specific catalogue must be ordered by |
Totals | The total monetary value of the Total Cost |
The Material Request Report shows a list of the Material Items requested by Institution Units.
To GENERATE this report, follow the steps below:
The Material Request Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:
If all filter criteria are left blank, all Institution Units, Request IDs, Catalogue Item IDs, Status Supplies, Issue Date From, Issue Date To, Max Required Date From, Max Required Date To, Replenishments, Request Groups, Register Employees, Reception Employees, and Purchase Requisitions will be included in the Report, as well as the Institution Units, Request IDs, Catalogue Item IDs, Register Employees and Reception Employees allowed by the report user security profile.
The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the ,
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Dicho reporte sirve para mostrar el detalle de las transferencias y devoluciones entre Bodegas y Unidades Administrativas.
Administración de Almacenes ► Reportes ► Otros Reportes ► Nota de Transferencia/Devolución entre Bodegas
Campos de Filtro del Reporte de Nota de Transferencia/Devolución entre Bodegas
Campos | Descripción |
Método de Envío | Muestra el método de Envío, el que puede ser: Entrega en Origen o Transporte en la Bodega Destino. |
Origen | Origen de donde salen los artículos a transferir. |
Bodega Destino | Los usuarios pueden hacer una búsqueda y seleccionar una Bodega como criterio de filtro para el Reporte Destino hacia donde se transfieren los artículos. |
Transferencia/Devolución | Es el número de Transferencia/Devolución. |
Es Transferencia | Valor lógico, será verdadero si la operación es una transferencia, será falso si la operación es una Devolución de Orden de Despacho. |
Desde la Fecha de Entrega | Es el límite inicial para la fecha de emisión incluida en el reporte. |
A la Fecha de Entrega | Es el límite final para la fecha de emisión incluida en el reporte |
Comentario | Notas o comentarios adicionales acerca de la Transferencia/Devolución entre Bodegas. |
Ordenar Por | Haga clic en los botones |
Código de Transferencia | Por el orden ascendente y descendente preferido utilizando los botones de Flecha Roja |
Fecha de Entrega | Por el orden ascendente y descendente preferido utilizando los botones de Flecha Roja |
Bodega Destino | Por el orden ascendente y descendente preferido utilizando los botones de Flecha Roja |
Este reporte muestra el repositorio completo de artículos de bodega y sus indicadores de rendimiento de bodega. Contiene información de cada artículo de bodega, como código de identificación, nombre corta, cantidad a mano, unidad de medida, código de almacén, rotación de inventario, días de inventario, indicadores de rendimiento de último control fisico, etc.
Incluye la Lista General de Bienes por Unidad Administrativa agrupada por Clase, por Categoría y por Bodega.
Administración de Almacenes ► Reportes ► Otros Reportes ► Rotación de Inventario
Campos de Filtro del Reporte de Rotación de Inventario
Campo | Descripción |
Origen | Los usuarios pueden buscar y seleccionar una unidad administrativa de origen como criterio de filtro. |
Bodega Destino | Los usuarios pueden buscar y seleccionar una bodega destino como criterio de filtro. |
Tipo de Bienes y Servicios | Los usuarios pueden buscar y seleccionar un tipo de bienes y servicios como criterio de filtro. |
Catálogo de Bienes y Servicios (CBS) | Los usuarios pueden buscar y seleccionar un Catálogo de Bienes y Servicios como criterio de filtro. |
Código de Barras | Los usuarios pueden buscar y seleccionar un código de barras como criterio de filtro. |
Es Perecedero | Si está marcada, indica que el informe se ha filtrado de acuerdo con lotes de perecedero para el artículo de bodega. |
This report shows the status of the Material Requested to a Supplier Warehouse. It contains information of each Request such as Request ID, Status, Issue Date, Priority, Quantity of Items Required, Quantity of Items Fully Supplied, Quantity of Items Not Fully Supplied, Institution Unit that requires, etc.
Some filters are available such as Request ID, Status (Delivered, In Supply Process, etc), Issue Dates Range, Priority, Institution Unit that requires, etc.
This report is oriented to the Warehouse Responsible or Warehouse Supervisors.
An example of the report is shown below.
The Status Material Requested includes the following fields:
Report Date | Date of report generation automatically generated by the system |
Report Time | Time of report generation automatically generated by the system |
User | User who generates the report |
Filter Criteria | Filter Criteria as entered under the stAtus material requested. |
Sort by | Used to sort the report by Request ID (downward) |
Request ID | Identification number of the request made. |
Replenishment | Enables the responsible warehouse to automatically generate the G/S request from Inventory Items. |
Status | A selectable list is available for required statuses. |
Issue Date | Date the request is issued. |
Max Required Date | The maximum required date to receive the goods/services. |
Priority | A selectable list is available which includes three priorities: Low, Medium and High |
Quantity of Item | Quantity of Required, Fully Supplied and Not Fully Supplied requested materials |
Required Institution Unit | This is the institution unit that requires the goods/services. |
Page | Page number of report. |
This report shows the status of the Material Requested to a Supplier Warehouse.
To GENERATE, follow the steps below:
The Asset Count Variances Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:
If all filter criteria are left blank, all Levels will be included in the Report.
The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the ,
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