The Consolidated Balance Sheet Report provides a complete financial statement. It helps users to analyse the entire financial position of all the institutions from the non-financial public sector, up to a certain fiscal period. It is useful to understand from the accounting point of view, the status of the entire institutions from the non-financial public sector, thru the assets, liabilities, and equity. This report obtains information from the consolidation of the financial statement and accounting institution process.
A screenshot of the Consolidated Balance Sheet Report is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to parameter, rendering control configuration and installed revision.
Users access Consolidated Balance Sheet Report from within the menu through this navigation path: General Ledger ► Consolidation Of Financial Statements and Accounting Institutions ► Consolidated Balance Sheet Nicaragua Format.
The following table lists and describe all filter fields for the Consolidated Balance Sheet Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on the system parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Filter | Description |
Fiscal Year | It lists the fiscal year to select them as report filter. A value for this field is mandatory. The current fiscal year is set as a default filter. |
Fiscal Period | It lists the fiscal year to select them as report filter. A value for this field is mandatory. The current fiscal period is set as a default filter. |
Comment | Allows users to add a custom comment to the generated report. |
Coding Block Filter Type | It lists the coding block filter type to select them as a report filter. A value for this field is not mandatory. |
Segment | It lists the segment to select them as a report filter. A value for this field is not mandatory. |
Concept | It lists the concept to select them as a report filter. A value for this field is not mandatory. |
Visible Field
The following table lists and describe all visible fields for the Borrowings Summary Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on Filters selection. The language of the report depends on the configuration of the system.
Field | Description |
Structure | It prints the structure of the account plan. |
Central Administration | It only prints central administration coding blocks values. |
Decentralized Administration | It includes the value from the elements:
Total Central Government | This column contains the total values of the central and decentralized administration. |
Total Other Autonomous Institutions of the State | This column contains the value from the other autonomous organs of the state coding block element. |
Total Regional Governments | This column contains the values of autonomous regional governments or indigenous territorial governments coding block elements. |
Total Local Governments | This column contains the value of municipal government coding block elements. |
Total Government | This column is the sum of columns total other autonomous institutions of the state, total regional governments and total local governments. |
Total Non-Financial Public Institutions | This column only includes the value from the national financial public companies or municipal non-financial public companies element-coding block. |
Total Non-Financial Public Sector | This column keeps the sum of the total government and total non-financial public institutions. |
The following table describes actions associated to the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Consolidated Balance Sheet Report feature.
Button Image | Description |
![]() | The pdf button allows users to generate the report in the pdf format. |
![]() | The Excel button allows users to generate the report in the excel format. This format is compatible with Microsoft Office 97-2003 or higher version. |
![]() | The Excel button allows users to generate the report in the excel format. This format is compatible with Microsoft Office 2003 or higher version software. |
![]() | This ODS button allows users to generate the report in ODS format. This format is compatible with spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Office, Open Office or Libre Office. |
![]() | This RTF button allows users to generate the report in RTF format. |
![]() | The Word button allows the users to generate the report in word format. This format is compatible with Microsoft Office 97-2003 or higher version. |
![]() | This ODT button allows users to generate the report in ODT format. This format is compatible with word processing software such as Microsoft Office, Open Office or Libre Office. |
![]() | Lookup Button allows the user to search the coding block. |
Obtain and publish the execution of the budget, represents the situation financial budgetary consolidation of the entire Non-Financial Public Sector from the Accounting point of view.
General Ledger ► Consolidation Of Financial Statements and Accounting Institutions ► Consolidation Master
Consolidation Master Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Consecutive unique number, automatically generated and assigned by the system. |
Fiscal Year | Default value is Actual Fiscal Year. |
Fiscal Period | Only shows Fiscal Periods with Status ‘CLOSED’, related to previously selected fiscal year. |
Workflow Status | The Workflow Process Status of the Consolidation Master automatically generated and updated. |
Consolidation Type | Allows to select consolidation type from drop down list. |
Sector Element | Look up button associated with the sector element. |
Organization Element | Look up button associated with the organization element. |
Created By | User who created the record. |
Created Date | Date and time of creation of the consoldation record. |
Approved By | User who approved the Cutoff Validations. |
Approved Date | Date and time in which the Consolidation Master turns to ‘Approved’ Status. |
Consolidation Details | Collection of Consolidation Details, it is optional to add destails. |
Collection of Consolidation Details.
Consolidation Details Tab Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Consecutive unique number, automatically generated and assigned by the system. |
CoA Group | COA where the group belongs. |
Coding Block | Full Coding Block from COA Group |
Detail Status | Allows to select Detail status from drop down list. |
Current Amount | Hide By Default |
Current Amount Modified | Hide By Default |
Accrued Amount | Hide By Default |
Accrued Amount Modified | Hide By Default |
Initial Balance | Initial balance of Consolidation |
Debit Amount | Debit amount of the Consolidation |
Credit Amount | Credit amount of the Consolidation |
The goal of this process is identify and eliminate transactions that are equivalent (reciprocal) between two or more institutions from the same group, for example, one budget transfer from Institution A (expenditure) to institution B (Income) is consider equivalent and candidate to be conciliated and eliminated, because it is not a real expense and is not considered a real income.
General Ledger ► Consolidation Of Financial Statements and Accounting Institutions ► Reconciliation of Reciprocal Transactions
Reconciliation of Reciprocal Transactions Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Allows users to select fiscal year from drop down list. |
Fiscal Period From | Mandatory field, allows to select the starting range of fiscal periods. |
Fiscal Period To | Mandatory field allows to select the ending range of fiscal periods. |
Consolidation Type | Allows user to select consolidation type from drop down list. |
Status | Allows users to select the status of Reconciliation of Reciprocal Transactions from the drop down list. Possibe values are 'Active', 'Deleted', 'Reconciled'. |