This entity stores the register of debt instruments.
General Ledger ► Sub Ledgers ► Debt Register ► Debt Instrument
Debt Instrument Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique Identification code of the Debt Instrument. |
Instrument Type | Refers to the instrument type entity in order to classify the debt instrument. |
Currency | Currency of the Debt Instrument. |
Debt Instrument Status | Indicates if the Advance is Open and transactions can be posted against it or it is closed and no transactions ca be posted against it. Default is Open. |
Maturity Date | Indicates the Instrument maturity date. |
Creation Date | Indicates the Instrument creation date. System populated current system date. |
Instrument Issuance Date | Issuance date of the debt instrument. |
Terms Of Bond | Calculated/Display only amount |
Exchange Rate | The exchange rate for the chosen currency. |
Principal Coding Block | Debt Instrument principal coding block. |
Principal Coding Block Cash Inflow Account | Only FULL Coding Block allowed |
Principal Coding Block Cash Outflow Account | Only FULL Coding Block allowed |
Interest Coding Block | Debt Instrument principal coding block. |
Creditor Agency | Associated with vendor |
Interest Rate | Rate of interest applies to the instrument. |
Principal Domestic Opening Balance | Principal Opening Balance of the Debt Instrument in domestic currency. |
Principal Foreign Opening Balance | Principal Opening Balance of the Debt Instrument in foreign currency. Applicable only when the instrument is in foreign currency. |
Principal Domestic Transaction Balance | This is a system calculated display only field. Shows the principal transaction balance. |
Principal Foreign Transaction Balance | This is a system calculated display only field. Shows the principal transaction balance in foreign currency. |
Principal Outstanding Domestic Balance | This is a system calculated display only field. Shows the outstanding principal amount of the instrument. |
Principal Outstanding Foreign Balance | This is a system calculated display only field. Shows the outstanding principal amount of the instrument if it is in foreign currency. |
Language | Country specific language used to register the description. |
Name | Name of the Debt Instrument |
Description | Description of the Debt Instrument. |
Created By | System will automatically populate this attribute. |
Debt Transaction Forecast Tab | Collection of 0 to N forecasts for the debt instrument. |
Debt Transaction Actual Tab | Collection of 0 to N transaction actuals. This is a display only tab, automatically populated by the system through process. |
Attachment Tab Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Id | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. |
Language | The system will suggest the default language; however the user can change such language. It represents the language of the document. |
Title | Title of the document |
Description | User defined. Description of the Attachment. |
Attachment | Complete reference to the file attached |
Date Time | Date and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system. |
Date | It will be used as a reference for Reports and Forms |
User | Last user who uploaded or updated the document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system. |
Debt Transaction Forecast Tab Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Id | Refers to Debt Instrument code. |
Serial Number | Auto generated item serial number starts with 1 for every new Debt Instrument. |
Type of Transaction | Type of transaction. Possible values are Principal/Interest. Default is Principal. |
Expected Transaction Date | Expected date for the transaction. |
Currency | Currency of the Debt Instrument |
Exchange Rate | Shows the latest active exchange rate for the selected currency. |
Domestic Debit Amount | Transaction Debit Amount in domestic currency. |
Foreign Debit Amount | Transaction Debit Amount in foreign currency. |
Domestic Credit Amount | Transaction Credit Amount in domestic currency. |
Foreign Credit Amount | Transaction Credit in foreign currency. |