Debt Instrument


This entity stores the register of debt instruments.


General Ledger ► Sub Ledgers ► Debt Register ► Debt Instrument

Debt Instrument Screen Fields




Unique Identification code of the Debt Instrument.

Instrument Type

Refers to the instrument type entity in order to classify the debt instrument.


Currency of the Debt Instrument.

Debt Instrument Status

Indicates if the Advance is Open and transactions can be posted against it or it is closed and no transactions ca be posted against it. Default is Open.

Maturity Date

Indicates the Instrument maturity date.

Creation Date

Indicates the Instrument creation date. System populated current system date.

Instrument Issuance Date

Issuance date of the debt instrument.

Terms Of Bond

Calculated/Display only amount

Exchange Rate

The exchange rate for the chosen currency.

Principal Coding Block

Debt Instrument principal coding block.

Principal Coding Block Cash Inflow Account

Only FULL Coding Block allowed

Principal Coding Block Cash Outflow Account

Only FULL Coding Block allowed

Interest Coding Block

Debt Instrument principal coding block.

Creditor Agency

Associated with vendor

Interest Rate

Rate of interest applies to the instrument.

Principal Domestic Opening Balance

Principal Opening Balance of the Debt Instrument in domestic currency.

Principal Foreign Opening Balance

Principal Opening Balance of the Debt Instrument in foreign currency. Applicable only when the instrument is in foreign currency.

Principal Domestic Transaction Balance

This is a system calculated display only field. Shows the principal transaction balance.

Principal Foreign Transaction Balance

This is a system calculated display only field. Shows the principal transaction balance in foreign currency.

Principal Outstanding Domestic Balance

This is a system calculated display only field. Shows the outstanding principal amount of the instrument.

Principal Outstanding Foreign Balance

This is a system calculated display only field. Shows the outstanding principal amount of the instrument if it is in foreign currency.


Country specific language used to register the description.


Name of the Debt Instrument


Description of the Debt Instrument.

Created By

System will automatically populate this attribute.

Debt Transaction Forecast Tab

Collection of 0 to N forecasts for the debt instrument.

Debt Transaction Actual Tab

Collection of 0 to N transaction actuals. This is a display only tab, automatically populated by the system through process.


Attachment Tab

Attachment Tab Screen Fields




Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system.


The system will suggest the default language; however the user can change such language. It represents the language of the document.


Title of the document


User defined. Description of the Attachment.


Complete reference to the file attached

Date Time

Date and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system.


It will be used as a reference for Reports and Forms


Last user who uploaded or updated the document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system.


Debt Transaction Forecast Tab

Debt Transaction Forecast Tab Screen Fields




Refers to Debt Instrument code.

Serial Number

Auto generated item serial number starts with 1 for every new Debt Instrument.

Type of Transaction

Type of transaction. Possible values are Principal/Interest. Default is Principal.

Expected Transaction Date

Expected date for the transaction.


Currency of the Debt Instrument

Exchange Rate

Shows the latest active exchange rate for the selected currency.

Domestic Debit Amount

Transaction Debit Amount in domestic currency.

Foreign Debit Amount

Transaction Debit Amount in foreign currency.

Domestic Credit Amount

Transaction Credit Amount in domestic currency.

Foreign Credit Amount

Transaction Credit in foreign currency.