
Gross Instrumental Debt By Instruments Report


This report produce the Face Value, Book Value and Dollar Value for Treasury Bills, Treasury Bonds, Development Bonds, Rupee Loan and Sovereign Bonds outstanding in the Debt Register on the specified date.



Debt Management ► Reports ► Gross Instrumental Debt By Instruments Report


Gross Instrumental Debt By Instruments Report screen Fields



Debt Instrument Type

Debt Instrument type is selected from drop down box.


Instrumental Debt Summary Report


This report produces the details for Treasury Bills, Treasury Bonds, Development Bonds, Loan and Sovereign Bonds outstanding in the Debt Register on the specified date. This includes the Opening Balance for the year, Borrowings, Principal Repayments, Interest Repayments, Capital Repayments and Outstanding Balance on the specified date. 



Debt Management ► Reports ► Instrumental Debt Summary Report


Instrumental Debt Summary Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year selected from drop down box.


Report On Guarantees Report


This report generates the details for Guarantees given by Government on loans taken by Government owned entities. The details include the name of the institution on whose debt the Guarantee is given, the purpose, the guaranteed amount, Date of Issue, Date of Expiry and the Capital Outstanding.



Debt Management ► Reports ► Report On Guarentees Report.


Report On Guarentees Report Fields




Institution Name

Institution for whom Gaurantee have been given to be selected from lookup button.


Sri Lanka Development Bonds Auction Report


This report produces the details for auction of Sri Lanka Development Bonds for the specified period. The details include the Issue Date, Maturity Date, Series, Interest Rate, Amount in Domestic Currency and Amount in US Dollars.



Debt Management ► Reports ► Sri Lanka Development Bonds Auction Report


Sri Lanka Development Bonds Auction Report screen Fields

No filter criteria used.

Treasury Bond Auctions Report


This report produces the details for auction of Treasury Bonds for the specified period. The details include the Series ID, Settlement Date, Maturity Date, Tendered Amount, and Weighted Average Yield after Tax.



Debt Management ► Reports ► Treasury Bond Auctions Report


Treasury Bond Auctions Report screen Fields

No filter criteria is used in this report.

Weekly Treasury Bill Auction Report


This report produce the details for weekly auction of Treasury Bills for the specified period. The details include the Issue Date, Amount Accepted and Weighted Average Yield Rates. The Weighted Average Yield Rates is filled by users.


Debt Management ► Reports ► Weekly Treasury Bill Auction Report


Weekly Treasury Bill Auction Report screen Fields




Report Date

Current Date is mentioned in this field.

Report Time

Current Time is mentioned in this field.

User Code

Users by whom the report is generated is mentioned in this field.


The current period is mentioned in this field.

Fiscal Year

The current Fiscal Year is selected in this field.

Issue Date

The issue date of the bond is selected in this field for filtering records.

Amount Accepted: 91 days

Amount accepted if the number of days is 91.

Amount Accepted: 182 Days

Amount accepted if the number of days is 182.

Amount Accepted: 364 Days

Amount accepted if the number of days is 364.

Weighted Average Yield Rates(%): 91 Days

This data is fetched externally and to be left blank by users, if the number of days is 91.

Weighted Average Yield Rates(%): 182 Days

This data is fetched externally and to be left blank by users, if the number of days is 182.

Weighted Average Yield Rates(%): 364 Days

This data is fetched externally and to be left blank by users, if the number of days is 364.

Total - 91 Days

Total of all amount in 91 days.

Total - 182 Days

Total of all amount in 182 days.

Total - 364 Days

Total of all amount in 364 days.

Page Number

The current page number.

Total Page Number

The total number of pages in the report.