Court Case Tracking

The Government Resource Planning (GRP) system provides governments with the foundation for public financial management, the mechanisms to enact good practices and the instruments to gauge government performance. FreeBalance's Court Case Tracking (GPCT) covers the management and organization of information -typically in the form of letters and documents- between the concerned departments or another configured institution that is either the plaintiff/petitioner or defendant/respondent in the case. This module allows users to enter summary information of the entered court case, upload related and support documentation of current case and follow the complete process of the case defined by the workflow. Also some reports are included, as an interface to show the current status of the different entered case.

Court Case


The Court Case screen is used to manage the court cases in the system.  Before entering the data, some entities such as Court Case Type and Court Case Attachment Type have to be defined.

Through Court Case, the Legal Affairs Department is able to get an up to date status of Court Case(s) either by Court Case Status Report or a summary of each court case by Court Case Summary Report.



Court Case Tracking ► Court Case


Court Case screen Fields and Tabs



Court Case Identifier

It should be formatted according to validation rule. Value for this field is unique.

Court Case Type

Type of case, from the defined Case Type catalogue values.

Title of the case

Field contains the Title of the court case.


Country specific language used by users to register description.


Summary information of the case.

Related Court Case

This is a circular reference. Refers to a case previously registered with status is "Closed" (e.g. the new case is the result of an Appeal).

Related institution or department

Indicates the institution or department related to the case. An institution second or lowest level of the hierarchy level can be chosen by users. Allow users to select by doing a look up allowing selecting just Institutions with "Approved" status.

LAD Reference Number

Used to input the reference number LAD is using for a particular court case.

Attorney General Department Reference Number

Used to input the reference number Department of Attorney General is using for a particular court case.

Case Filed By

Name of the Petitioner or Plaintiff.

Case Filed Against

Name of the Defendant or Respondent.

Attorney General Department Council

Name of Attorney General’s Council.

Created By

Identification of user that created the record, automatically assigned by the system.

Created Date

Date of creation, automatically assigned by the system.

Case Milestones Tab

The case milestone is a collection of Case milestone to follow-up important dates according the specific case.

Case Attachments Tab

Collection of one or many Case Attachment Entity. This field allow to update or delete just to users that created the specific case attachment.


Court Case Management


Court Case Status Report


This report shows the Status of Court Cases run on particular date range. This report would show all the court cases run on a date range and show the current status of these cases along with Case Number, Description, Institution, Case Entry Date, Current Status and Summary of Outcome (if any).



Court Case Tracking ► Court Case Management Reports ► Court Case Status Report


Court Case Status Report screen Filters




Institution required for report to be selected from lookup button.

Court Case Number

Court Case to be selected from lookup button.

From Date

Date from which data to be selected for report purpose.

To Date

Date up to which data to be selected for report purpose.


Consolidated Court Case report comment to be added to resulting report.

Sort by

Fields by which information in the report is sorted by.


Court Case Tracking Summary Report


This report shows the Summary of Court Cases on a particular date range. This report would show all the court cases run on a date range and show the Summary of these cases with all related fields such as LAD Reference Number, Attorney General Department Reference Number, Case Filed By, Case Filed Against, Attorney General Department Council, Case ID, Type of case, Title of the case, Description, Related institution or department, Case milestones Id Milestone date Milestone Abbreviation Milestone Description Milestone Status, Summary of verdict.



Court Case Tracking ► Court Case Management Reports ► Court Case Tracking Summary Report


Court Case Tracking Summary Report screen Filters




Institution for which Court Case Tracking Summary report is to be generated.

Court Case

Court Case to be selected from lookup button to generate report.

From Date

Date from which data for report to be selected.

To Date

Date up to which data for report to be selected.


Support Entities

Case Attachment Types


Attachment Type support entity is used to define the type of attachment which can be attached to a particular court case. There can be many numbers of attachments which could be attached to a court case, for example starting from case entry and generating the tracking number, users can attach the scanned copies of case documents such as Case File, going forward the scanned copy of Review Request, Proxy Form, Representation Request, and finally the Verdict of the case at closing. A unique Id is auto generated for each Court Case Attachment Type.

The following are examples of the Attachment Types which can be created:

  • Court Case Scanned Documents such as internal communications letters, faxes etc.
  • Final Verdict.
  • Court Case Supporting Documents such as photographs, proof, evidence materials etc.
  • Reference Material.
  • Signed Proxy Form.
  • Signed Representation Form.
  • Authority Letters.
  • Official Notifications and Gazettes.
  • Receipts, affidavits, declarations, will or testaments etc.



Court Case Tracking ► Support Entities► Case Attachments Types


Court Case Attachment Type screen Fields




End user unique short code to identify a certain type of attachment.


Indicates if the Attachment type is “active” for registry of cases. If True, it refers it being Active and False being Inactive. Default Value is True.

Is Default

Indicates if the case type is the default type when creating a new Attachment type entry.


Court Case Attachments Type of language used by users.

Short Description

Abbreviation of the attachment type name.


Full description of the attachment type.


Case Types


Court cases are categorised, classified and registered as entity according to their needs which gets managed by Court Case Management module. This entity will be useful to register the type of case that will be managed by the Court Case Management module, it should be able to registry any typification of the cases according needs.

Example of Court Case Type are Court of Appeals (CA), Supreme Court (SC), High Court (HC), District Court (DC), Magistrate Court (MC), Commission for Human Rights (HR). Users have flexibility to define as many as Court Case Types as required.



Court Case Tracking  ► Support Entities ► Case Type


Court Case Type screen Fields




End user unique short code to identify a certain type of case.


Indicates if the Case Type is “active” for registry of cases. True refers to Case Type being Active and False being Inactive.

Is Default

Indicates if the case type is the default type when creating a new Case entry.


Language used to make description in Court Case Type.

Short Description

Abbreviation of the Case Type name.


Full description of the Case Type, including a summary describing the general information about the created type of case.