Material Request Status

Material Request Status



This report shows the status of the Material Requested to a Supplier Warehouse. It contains information of each Request such as Request ID, Status, Issue Date, Priority, Quantity of Items Required, Quantity of Items Fully Supplied, Quantity of Items Not Fully Supplied, Institution Unit that requires, etc.

Some filters are available such as Request ID, Status (Delivered, In Supply Process, etc), Issue Dates Range, Priority, Institution Unit that requires, etc.



Assets & Inventories Commons ► Reports ► Material Request status 

Material Request Status Screen Fields

Material Request Status screen includes following fields:

ReplenishmentSgnifies the request is replenishment or not.
Issue Date FromThe from issuing date.
Issue Date ToThe to Issuing date.
Max Req Date FromThe maximum request date from.
Max Req Date ToThe maximum request date to.
Request IdThe Id of Goods/Service request for which the report will generate.
Supplier WarehouseRefers to the warehouse institution.
Institution UnitThe requested institution.
PriorityThe priority of the request.
StatusStatus of the request.
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