Laos Report

Summary Of Holding Account Transactions Report


Summarised report on holding account transactions is generated through this report.



General Ledger ► Reports ► Laos Reports ► Summary Of Holding Account Transactions Report


Summary Of Holding Account Transactions Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year for which the revenue report is generated, is selected from drop down box.

From Date

Initial Date of revenue that is taken into consideration for report generation purpose, is selected from calendar button.

To Date

End Date of revenue that is taken into consideration for report generation purpose, is selected from calendar button.


Currency of revenue is selected from drop down box.


Comment on the report on revenue, is entered in this field.


Organisational Element is selected from the lookup button.


Summary Of Revenue By Classification Report


Summarised report on Revenue by classfification is generated through this report.



General Ledger ► Reports ► Laos Reports ► Summary Of Revenue By Classification Report


Summary Of Revenue By Classification Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year for which the revenue report is generated, is selected from drop down box.

From Date

Initial Date of revenue that is taken into consideration for report generation purpose, is selected from calendar button.

To Date

End Date of revenue that is taken into consideration for report generation purpose, is selected from calendar button.

Treasury Office

Institution of Treasury Office to which the revenue relates, is selected from lookup button.


Currency of revenue is selected from drop down box.

Revenue Classification

Classification on which the revenue falls is seelcted in this field.


Comment on the report on revenue, is entered in this field.

Coding Block Filter Type

Filter Type applied on the revenue report is selected from drop down box. Possible filters are: Coding Block, Coding Block Expression Filter, Hierarchical Coding Block Elements.


Segment is selected from drop down box. Possible values are: Fund, Fund Source, Organisation, Program and Object.


Concept get automatically selected depending on the value selected for the Segment.


Summary Of Revenue By Revenue Type Report


Summarised report on Revenue by revenue type is generated through this report.



General Ledger ► Reports ► Laos Reports ► Summary Of Revenue By Revenue Type Report


Summary Of Revenue By Revenue Type Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year for which the revenue report is generated, is selected from drop down box.

From Date

Initial Date of revenue that is taken into consideration for report generation purpose, is selected from calendar button.

To Date

End Date of revenue that is taken into consideration for report generation purpose, is selected from calendar button.


Currency of revenue is selected from drop down box.

Transaction Analysis

Basis of transaction analysis is selected from drop down box.


Comment on the report on revenue, is entered in this field.


Trial Balance For Laos Report


This report displays accounts belonging to a specific Concept in the OBJECT Segment with its respective accumulated balance, actual, summary and total, allowing to the user to check the correct posting of the accounts.


Trial Balance For Laos Report screen Fields:

Fiscal YearThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
Fiscal PeriodThe period covered in the report.
Organization Type ElementFilter report by Organization type Element.
Multi-Fund ConceptUsers can select more than one fund as filter.  If no elements are selected, system will take them all.
Group By FundIf checked indicates that the report will be grouped by fund.
ConceptFilter report by Concept.
Trial Balance Report Type

Filter report by Trial Balance Report Type.

Two options are available.

1.For the month.

2.Upto the month.

CommentA comment may be added to the report output via this field.


Trial Balance For Laos Report Nav.JPG10.86 KB
Trial Balance For Laos Report.JPG51.17 KB

Journal Voucher Listing Report


The purpose of this report is to present a full detail of the Journal Voucher, including detailed information from JV including, Status , voucher source,  item details, description JV, description item, workflow information and others.


Journal Voucher Listing Report screen Fields:

Fiscal YearThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
Posting StatusOptional Parameter.
This field shows voucher is either saved or temp saved.
Voucher SourceFilter the report by Voucher Source.
Journal Voucher From Date Filter report by Date from Journal Voucher included in this report.
Journal Voucher To DateFilter report by Date upto Journal Voucher included in this report.
Batch NumberAllow users to select a specific batch or a range of batches to view in the report.
Voucher StatusFilter the report by Voucher Status.
Following values are available.
Approval Requested
Transaction AnalysisFilter report by Journal Voucher Transaction Analysis.
Approved From DateFilter report by the date(starting) from approval of the Journal Voucher.
Approved To DateFilter report by the date (end) upto approval of the Journal Voucher.


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Journal Voucher Listing Report.jpg87.13 KB

Daily Bank Account By Currency Report


In Lao - Treasury bank account is always mapped to Institution and is also always mapped to 3 Coding Block through offset code, offset code for bank in transit revenue, offset code for bank transit payments. So,  Multiple Treasury bank accounts can be mapped to an Institution. A Daily report is hence required to find the bank balances either by institution or by Treasury Bank Account.



Daily Bank Account By Currency Report screen fields:

Fiscal YearThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
Start DateBeginning limit for the period covered in the report.
End DateEnd limit for the period covered in the report.
InstittutionFilter the report by Institution.
CurrencyCurrency for the report.
Treasury Bank AccountFilter the report by Treasury Bank Account.
Multi-Fund ConceptUsers can select more than one fund as filter.  If no elements are selected, system will take them all.
CommentA comment may be added to the report output via this field.


Daily bank account by currency report.jpg66.13 KB
Daily bank account by currency report Nav.jpg10.04 KB

Current Account Statement Report


In Lao, Treasury works like bank with a no. of depositors and loan accounts. Account Statement like bank statement is required for such accounts - Currency wise.


Current Account Statement Report screen fields:

Fiscal YearThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
Start dateBeginning limit for the period covered in the report.
End DateEnd limit for the period covered in the report.
CurrencyCurrency for the report.
VendorFilter the report by vendor.
CommentsA comment may be added to the report output via this field.
Hierarchy Rollups Coa ElementsIndicates that there will be a hierarchical element restriction and Coding block restriction used to filter.


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Current Account Statement Report.jpg100.2 KB

Profit And Loss Statement Report





Profit And Loss Statement Report screen Fields:

Fiscal YearThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
Fiscal PeriodThe period covered in the report.
Multi fund ConceptUsers can select more than one fund as filter.  If no elements are selected, system will take them all.
Group By fundIf checked indicates that the report will be grouped by fund.
ConceptFilter report by Concept.
CommentA comment may be added to the report output via this field.


Profit And Loss Statement Report.JPG47.97 KB
Profit And Loss Statement Report Nav.JPG11.1 KB

Financial Statement Of National Treasury Report




Financial Statement Of National Treasury Report screen Fields:

Fiscal YearThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
Fiscal PeriodThe period covered in the report.
Multi-Fund ConceptUsers can select more than one fund as filter.  If no elements are selected, system will take them all.
Group By FundIf checked indicates that the report will be grouped by fund.
ConceptFilter the report by Concept.
CommentA comment may be added to the report output via this field.


Summary Of Revenue By Budget Nomenclature Report




Summary Of Revenue By Budget Nomenclature Report screen Fields:

Fiscal YearThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
Account Balancing Type 
Journal Voucher Dates 
CommentA comment may be added to the report output via this field.
Hierarchy Rollups Coa ElementsIndicates that there will be a hierarchical element restriction and Coding block restriction used to filter.


Daily Or Monthly Account Balancing Report




Daily Or Monthly Account Balancing Report screen Fields:

Fiscal YearThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
Account Balancing TypeFilter the report by Account Balancing Type.
Daily or Monthly.
Start daysBeginning limit for the period covered in the report.
End DaysEnd limit for the period covered in the report.
CurrencyCurrency for the report.
Sub Ledger TypeFilter the report by Sub ledger type.
CommentsA comment may be added to the report output via this field.
Hierarchy Rollups Coa ElementsIndicates that there will be a hierarchical element restriction and Coding block restriction used to filter.


Holding Account Details - Documents sent Between Divisions



Holding Account Details Report screen Fields:

Fiscal YearThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
Start DateBeginning limit for the period covered in the report.
End DateEnd limit for the period covered in the report.
GL Account CodeFilter The Report by GL Account Code.
CurrencyCurrency for the report.
CommentA comment may be added to the report output via this field.


General Ledger Account Details Report


The purpose of the Detail General Ledger Report is to display the Journal Vouchers within the system grouped by object and by fund when applicable.



General Ledger Account Details Report screen Fields:

Fiscal YearThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
Group By FundIf checked indicates that the report will be grouped by Fund.
Account Balancing TypeFilter the report by account balancing type.
Start DaysThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
End DaysEnd limit for the period covered in the report.
CurrencyCurrency for the report.
Sub Ledger Type

Filter The report by Sub Ledger Type.

Following Options are available.
Bank Account.
Not Applicable

Multi Fund ConceptUsers can select more than one fund as filter.  If no elements are selected, system will take them all.
CommentA comment may be added to the report output via this field.
Hierarchy Rollups Coa ElementsIndicates that there will be a hierarchical element restriction and Coding block restriction used to filter.


Expenditure by Payment Type Report




 Expenditure by Payment Type Report screen Fields:

Fiscal YearThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
Start DateBeginning limit for the period covered in the report.
End DateEnd limit for the period covered in the report.
CurrencyCurrency for the report.
CommentA comment may be added to the report output via this field.
Hierarchy Rollups Coa ElementsIndicates that there will be a hierarchical element restriction and Coding block restriction used to filter.