Subscribe to E-Bulletins

Users may receive News Bulletins directly via email. A subscription to the Bulletins may be created or canceled at any time through the Portal.

To subscribe to News Bulletin from the E-Procurement Portal Administration, click the Subscribe to the Bulletin icon on the main page. The Subscription page is presented.


To Subscribe to the Daily Newsletter E-Bulletin

1. Select Language from the drop-down menu.

2. Select Daily Newsletter option.

3. Enter an Email address. Daily Newsletters will be sent to this account.

4. Choose the Type of Business of your interest. Select all that apply. Newsletters regarding the selected topics will be sent.

5. Click the icon.

6. An Activation Email will be sent to the address entered. Go to the inbox email labeled Activation Subscription.

7. Click the Activate Subscription link. The confirmation email restates the select Business Type topics.

9. After Activating the Subscription, you are redirected to the Portal and a confirmation message will appear.


10. The system will send daily emails including all new opportunities related to the selected categories.


To Subscribe to Document ID Tracking E-Bulletins

1. Select Language from the drop-down menu.

2. Select the Procurement Document Tracking option. The following screen is presented.

3. Enter an Email address. Tracking notifications will be sent to this account.

4. Enter Procurement ID number to be tracked.

5. Click the icon.

6. An Activation Email will be sent to the address entered. Go to the inbox email labeled Activation Subscription.

7. Click the Activate Subscription link. The confirmation email restates the Procurement Document ID entered.