The Portal Settings page allows the Administrator to configure global parameters.
Portal Configuration
Portal Name - Enter the Title that will appear in the Portal header.
Portal Logo - Select a Logo to appear in the Portal header. Click the icon to search the system for an image.
Currency Format - Enter the Currency the fiscal data will be displayed.
Date Format - Enter the format Dates will appear (ex. dd-mm-yyyy).
Default Language - Select the Default Language from the drop-down menu. The value selected will apply to all pages. This is the displayed language upon logging into the Portal.
Default Page Size - Select Default Page Size from the drop-down menu. The Page Size indicates the default number of rows displayed in all pages which include a list of results such as Revenue and Expenditure elements or Audit Trails.
Current Theme - Select the appearance Theme from the drop-down menu.
Contact Us Email - Enter the email address that all user Contact Us inquiries will be sent.
Show Usage Statistics to the Public - Check the box to allow public users to view Usage Statistics.
Failures Before Captcha - Enter a numeric value. The value indicates the number of failed Login attempts are permitted before the captcha security feature is enabled.
Publish Comment Blog Type - Select Type from drop-down menu. It indicates the method to approve blog comments.
Homepage Blogs Sort Criteria - Select sorting method from the drop-down menu. The method indicates how the list of Blog Posts will be organized.
- Enter numeric value. The value indicates the number of pages displayed in the paging section for all those pages which include paging functionality.
Time Zone Sensitive - Select True or False from the drop-down menu. Selecting True indicates the Portal time must be adjusted. False indicates otherwise.
Time Zone Reference - Select Time Zone from drop-down menu. It indicates the quantity of hours difference with respect to Greenwich Mean Time.
Reset Password URL Expiration Time - Enter numeric value. Indicates the number of days before expiration of Reset Password email notifications sent to users.
Send Mail Attempts - Enter numeric value. Indicates the number of attempts the system will make in sending email notifications to users. If the number of failures exceeds the value entered, the system will discard the email.
Period Time Between Send Email - Enter numeric value. Indicates the number of minutes to pass before the system re-attempts a failed sent email.
Configuration Mode - Select Mode from drop-down menu.
Authentication Type - Select Authentication Type from drop-down menu. Indicates the type of authentication method used to grant access to registered users.
Approve all period for Chart of Accounts? - Checking the box indicates if the system must automatically approve all periods for each Chart of Accounts loaded.
Synchronization Hour: Enter time value. Indicates the time in which the Portal will synchronize all information configured as revenues, expenditures, and not shown. It will only apply to the last Chart of Account loaded.
Web Service Configuration
FB Platform Web Service - Enter the URL of the FreeBalance Accountability Suite. It is used for the interchange of information.
Data Mart Web Service URL - Enter the URL of the Data Mart responsible for publishing the methods to obtain the required information to populate data in the Portal.
Information Coming From Data Mart - Select True or False from the drop-down menu. Selecting True indicates if all the information will be required to the Data Mart by using the corresponding URL defined for Data Mart Web service. Selecting False indicates otherwise.
Reminders Configuration
Periods Before Sending Reminder - Enter numeric value. Indicates the number of periods prior to an approval date the system will send out email reminders.
Periodicity for Reminders - Select timing option from the drop-down menu. Indicates the units of Periods Before Sending Reminder.
Email for Reminders - Enter email address. The email address to receive all email reminders.
JDBC Configuration
Note: If the system does not use the Data Mart to obtain the Budget information, the JDBC Configuration Parameters MUST be configured.
Path to Data Mart JDBC Connector (JAR) - Enter path identification. Indicates the full path to the jar that contains the JDBC information.
JDBC Class Name - Enter Name of the JDBC Class.
Data Mart DB Hostname - Indicates the Name of the Host containing the database to be used.
Data Mart DB Port - Enter Name of Port that will be used to communicate with the database.
Data Mart Schema Name - Enter Name of Schema that contains the data information.
Data Mart DB User - Enter Name of the User that has access to the data information.
Data Mart DB User's Password - Enter Password of the DB User.
Email Configuration
Outgoing email configuration (SMTP)
Email Protocol - Enter the Email Protocol used to send emails from the Transparency Portal.
Email Host Name - Enter the Name of Host email server. The value must be accessed by the host where the Portal is running.
Email Host Port - Enter the Identifier to Port connected to the email host server.
Email Authentication User - The User email address to log on to the host email server.
Email Authentication Password - Enter the Password used to access the host email server.
Email Authentication Required - Check the box to indicate that User and Password are required to use the email host server
Incoming email configuration (POP)
The following parameters are used for POP email server configuration:
To save changes made to the Portal Settings, click the icon.