This report shows a list of Vendor Performance Evaluations related with Contracts. Each Performance Evaluation shows the following information: Evaluation ID, Vendor ID, Vendor Name, Contract ID, Rating Short Description, Rating Value, and Evaluation Date.
Some additional filters are available such as Contract, Vendor, and Evaluation Date Period.
An example of this report is shown below.
The Vendor Performance Evaluation In Contracts Report includes the following fields:
Report Fields | Description |
Report date | The date the report was created. This Value is automatically generated. |
Report time | The time the report was created. This Value is automatically generated. |
User | The person who generates the report. |
Page | Report page number. |
Filter Criteria | Filter Criteria as entered under the vendor Performance Evaluation in Contract Report. |
Sort By | Used to sort the report by a specific sorting criteria. |
Comments | Comment written by the user in the report generation window. |
Evaluation ID | Unique integer identifier for a evaluation. |
Vendor ID | Unique integer identifier for a Vendor. |
Vendor Name | Name of Vendor. |
Contract ID | Unique Identifier for the Contract. |
Rating Short Description | Brief description for the Vendor Performance Rating ex: Excellent, Good, Regular, Bad etc. |
Rating Value | Value assigned to the rating. For example: 5 is Excellent, and 1 is Bad. |
Evaluation Date | Date of Evaluation. |
Average | Average Rating Value for vendors in evaluation. |
The Vendor Performance Evaluation In Contracts Report shows a list of Vendor Performance Evaluations related with Contracts.
To GENERATE the Vendor Performance Evaluation In Contracts Report, follow the steps below:
The Vendor Performance Evaluation In Contracts Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:
If all filter criteria are left blank, all Vendors, Contracts, Evaluation Start Dates, Evaluation End Dates, and Comments will be included in the Report, as well as the Vendors, Contracts, Evaluation Start Dates, Evaluation End Dates, and Comments allowed by the report user security profile.
The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the ,
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