This report shows a list of employees which have certain key positions in their Career Path and displays their missing Skills and Certificates and Matching Percentage (according to succession weightings) in order to be eligible to obtain such a position.
An example of the report is shown below:
The Succession Analysis Report includes the following fields:
Report Field | Description |
Report Date | Date of report generation automatically generated by the system |
Report Time | Time of report generation automatically generated by the system |
User | User who generates the report |
Page | Page Number |
Filter Criteria | Filter Criteria as entered under Succession Analysis Report |
Sort By | Used to sort the report by a specific criteria |
ID | Unique identification code related to the position |
Name | Employee Position Title |
Job Description | Job description of the position |
Required Position Skills | This list must display all the skills from Generic position and the user must be able to add more skills if they wish to do so. However they cannot add a skill that is already in Generic positions |
Weight | The weight that every skill has for this report |
Mandatory Position Certificates | This list must display all the certificates from Generic position and the user must be able to add more certificates if they wish to do so. However they cannot add a certificate that is already in Generic positions |
Weight | The weight that every certificate has for this report |
Employee ID | The system will display Employee ID for those employees which have the selected position (in the Target Position filter) in their career path |
Employee Name | The system will display Employee First and Last Name |
Current Position | The system will display the Employee Position Job Title. The system will display the position which have the selected position (in the Target Position’ filter) in their career path |
Missing Skills | The system will display the Required Position Skills that are not included in the Employee Skills under the Employee screen |
Missing Certificates | The system will display the Mandatory Position Certificates that are not included in the Employee Certificates under the Employee screen |
% Skills and Certificates Matching | The system will display the sum of skills and certificate weights for the employee |
The Succession Analysis report shows a list of employees which have certain key positions in their career path and displays their missing skills and certificates and matching percentage (according to succession weightings) in order to be eligible to obtain such a position.
To GENERATE the Succession Analysis Report, follow the steps below:
The Succession Analysis Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:
If all filter criteria are left blank, all Organizations, Position IDs, and % Skills and Certificates Matching will be included in the Report, as well as the Institutions and Employee Positions allowed by the report user security profile.
The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the ,
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