This training course catalog contains all the general courses offered by the organization. Training staff will use this catalog to create and schedule specific training courses. This is where all the prerequisite courses and skills for each specific training course will be determined.
How to SEARCH:
The Training Course Catalog screen includes the following fields:
Field | Definition |
Code | Unique identification code of the Training Course Catalog. |
Active | Active Status - if checked, Training Course is available in the Catalog. |
Exemptions Allowed | Exemptions Allowed indicator - if checked, indicates if exemptions are allowed on skills and certificate requirements. |
Score Range | Highest score that could be given on this course. |
Duration | How many days the course will be. |
Prerequisite Course | Courses that the trainee needs to have already taken and passed before taking the selected course. |
Trainee Evaluation Template | Template that is used for evaluating the people who attended the course. |
Internal Location | Internal Location where the course normally occurs. |
External Location | External location where the course normally occurs. |
Language | Language used |
Name | Name of the Training Course |
Description | Description of the Training Course in catalog |
The training course catalog contains all the general courses offered by the organization.
To CREATE training course catalogs follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
1. Click on the New icon (you will then be in Insert Mode).
2. Enter the new Training Course Catalog information. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory fields.
3. Enter the Code, click on the Active and Exceptions Allowed checkmarks, as required.
4. Enter the Score Range and Duration
5. To enter the Prerequisite Course, if required, click on the Lookup icon , click on Find icon
to retrieve the Training Course Catalog list, then select the Course.
6. To enter the Trainee Evaluation Template, if required, click on the Lookup icon , click on Find icon
to retrieve the Training Feedback Template list, then select the Training Feedback Template.
7. To enter the Internal Location, if required, click on the Lookup icon , click on Find icon
to retrieve the Work Location list, then select the Work Location.
8. Click on the New icon beside External Location, if required (refer to Address for more information).
9. Select the Language as required.
10. Enter the Name, Duration Note and Description of the Training Feedback Criteria.
11. Click on the New icon under
to enter the Attachments (refer to Attachments for more information).
12. Click on the Save and Return icon to save the Attachments information and return to the Training Course Catalog screen, or click on the Discard icon
to discard the Attachments entry and return to the Training Course Catalog.
13. Click the individual Select Checkbox (es), under to select and de-select the Attachment (s), as required, or click the Select All icon
or Un-select All
icon, to select or de-select all Attachments, if required.
14. Click the Remove icon to remove the selected Attachment, if required
15. Repeat steps 11 to 14 for all required Attachments.
To ADD Training Course Type to Training Course Catalog, if required
1. Click on tab and then click on the Lookup icon
, and enter the Training Course Type information, or leave the Training Course Type information blank to retrieve all Training Course Type.
2. Click Find icon
3. Click the individual Select Checkbox (es) to select and de-select the Training Course Type(s), as required.
4. Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 for all required Training Course Types.
5. Click the Return icon to return to the Training Course Catalog screen, or click the Discard button
to discard the selection entry and return to Training Course Catalog.
6. Click the individual Select Checkbox (es) to select and de-select the Training Course Type, as required, or click the Select All icon or Un-select All
icon, to select all Training Course Types or de-select all Training Course Types, if required.
7. Click the Remove icon to remove the selected Training Course Type information, if required.
ADD new Training Course Type, refer to Training Course Type.
To ADD Obtainable Skills to Training Course Catalog, if required
1. Click on tab and then click on the Lookup icon
, and enter the Obtainable Skills information, or leave the Obtainable Skills information blank to retrieve all Obtainable Skills.
2. Repeat steps 2 to 7 which were used above for the tab.
ADD new Obtainable Skill, refer to Skills.
To ADD Pre Requisite Skills to Training Course Catalog, if required
1. Click on tab and then click on the Lookup icon
, and enter the Pre Requisite Skills information, or leave the Pre Requisite Skills information blank to retrieve all Pre Requisite Skills.
2. Repeat steps 2 to 7 which were used above for the tab.
ADD new Pre Requisite Skill, refer to Skills.
To ADD Obtainable Certificates to Training Course Catalog, if required
1. Click on Lookup icon
, and enter the Certificate information, or leave the Certificate information blank to retrieve all Certificates.
2. Repeat steps 2 to 7 which were used above for the tab.
ADD new Certificate, refer to Certificates.
To ADD Pre Requisite Certificates to Training Course Catalog, if required
1. Click on Lookup icon
, and enter the Certificate information, or leave the Certificate information blank to retrieve all Certificates.
2. Repeat steps 2 to 7 which were used above for the tab.
ADD new Certificate, refer to Certificates.
The training course catalog contains all the general courses offered by the organization.
To DELETE training course catalogs follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To Verify that the Training Course Catalog has been Deleted:
The training course catalog contains all the general courses offered by the organization.
To MODIFY training course catalogs follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To Modify Addresses
1. Click the Update icon beside External Location.
2. Make the necessary modification(s).
3. Click the Update icon at the bottom of the Address Screen to save the modification.
Click on the Update icon at the bottom of the screen to save the modifications. A window will appear to confirm the modification. Click OK to confirm.
The Training course provider administers the training course. The provider must be a vendor, an employee or an organization. For example if the company is offering a training course on this application administered by FreeBalance, then FreeBalance would be the vendor providing the course.
How to SEARCH:
The Training Course Provider screen includes the following fields:
Field | Definition |
Code | Unique identification code of the Training Course Provider. |
Active | Active Status - if checked, Training Course Provider is available. |
Vendor | If checked, indicates that the provider is an existing vendor from the system. |
Employee | If checked, indicates than an Employee will provide the training. |
Organization | if checked, indicates than an Organization will provide the course. |
Vendor | Vendor that provides the training. |
Organization | Organization that provides the training. |
Employee | Employee who provides the training. |
Language | Language used. |
Name | Name of the Training Course Provider. |
Notes | Additional notes on the Training Course Provider. |
Training course providers administer the training course.
To CREATE training course providers follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
1. Click on the New icon (you will then be in Insert Mode).
2. Enter the new Training Course Provider information. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory fields.
3. Enter the Code, click on the Active, Vendor, Employee and Organization checkmarks, as required.
4. To enter the Vendor, if required, click on the Lookup icon , click on Find icon
to retrieve the Vendor list, then select the Vendor.
5. To enter the Organization, if required, click on the Lookup icon , click on Find icon
to retrieve the Institute list, then select the Institute.
6. To enter the Employee, if required, click on the Lookup icon , click on Find icon
to retrieve the Employee list, then select the Employee.
7. Select the Language as required.
8. Enter the Name, and Notes.
To ADD Training Course Type to Training Course Provider, if required
1. Click on the Lookup icon , under
and enter the Training Course Type information, or leave the Training Course Type information blank to retrieve all Training Course Types.
2. Click Find icon
3. Click the individual Select Checkbox (es) to select and de-select the Training Course Type(s), as required.
4. Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 for all required Training Course Types.
5. Click the Return icon to return to the Training Course Provider screen, or click the Discard button
to discard the selection entry and return to Training Course Provider.
6. Click the individual Select Checkbox (es) to select and de-select the Training Course Type, as required, or click the Select All icon or Un-select All
icon, to select all Training Course Types or de-select all Training Course Types, if required.
7. Click the Remove icon to remove the selected Training Course Type information, if required.
ADD new Training Course Type, refer to Training Course Type.
Click on the Save icon at the bottom of the Training Course Provider page to save your new Training Course Provider information. A window will appear to confirm.
Training course providers administer the training course.
To DELETE training course providers follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To Verify that the Training Course Provider has been Deleted:
Training course providers administer the training course.
To MODIFY training course providers follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
Objective The training course type screen is where the name and the description for the training course type are defined. This data is used to make up the training course catalog. For example, the name of the Software training type could be "FreeBalance Training" and the description could be "to learn how to use the FreeBalance software efficiently and effectively."
How to SEARCH:
The Training Course Type screen includes the following fields:
Field | Definition |
Code | Unique identification code of the Training Course Type. |
Active | Active Status - if checked, Training Course Type is available. |
Language | Language used. |
Title | Name of the Training Course Type. |
Description | Description of the Training Course Type. |
The training course type screen is where the name and the description of the training course type are defined.
To CREATE training course types follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
4. Enter Title and Description of the Training Course Type.
5. Click on the Save icon at the bottom of the Training Course Type page to save your new Training Course Type information. A window will appear to confirm.
The training course type screen is where the name and the description of the training course are defined.
To DELETE training course types follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To Verify that the Training Course Type has been Deleted:
The training course type screen is where the name and the description of the training course are defined.
To MODIFY training course types follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
It is important that training courses get evaluated by the trainees to provide feedback on how effective the training course is. The organization can then make the necessary adjustments.
In this application the training feedback criteria screen contains the individual criteria that the employee will use to evaluate the course. The employees ("Trainees") will fill in the individual criteria and provide feedback on the course that they have attended. An example of a training feedback criteria could be "Irrelevant aspects of the Training" and could ask "What aspect of the training did you find the least beneficial?".
How to SEARCH:
The Training Feedback Criteria screen includes the following fields:
Field | Definition |
Code | Unique identification code of the Training Feedback Criteria. |
Active | Active Status - if checked, Training Feedback Criteria is available. |
Training Feedback Criteria Type | The type of feedback criteria that will be used. |
Training Feedback Criteria Group | The group that the training feedback belongs to. |
Language | Language used. |
Name | Name of the Training Feedback Criteria. |
Description | Description of the Training Feedback Criteria. |
Training feedback criteria screen contains the individual criteria that the employee will use to evaluate the course.
To CREATE training feedback criteria follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
4. Choose the Training Feedback Criteria Type and Training Feedback Criteria Group from the dropdown menu
5. Select the Language as required.
6. Enter the Name and the Description of the Training Feedback Criteria.
7. Click on the Save icon at the bottom of the Training Feedback Criteria page to save your new Training Feedback Criteria information. A window will appear to confirm.
Training feedback criteria screen contains the individual criteria that the employee will use to evaluate the course.
To DELETE training feedback criteria follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To Verify that the Training Feedback Criteria has been Deleted:
Training feedback criteria screen contains the individual criteria that the employee will use to evaluate the course.
To MODIFY training feedback criteria follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
Click on the Update icon at the bottom of the screen to save your modifications. A window will appear to confirm the modification. Click OK to confirm.
Once training courses have been completed, it is important that they get evaluated to ensure that the training courses are being implemented properly and supplying employees with the necessary information. In this application, the employee will fill out the trainee feedback form to provide feedback on the training course. The feedback will be linked to the appropriate group. For example, the Training Feedback Criteria "I will be able to apply the knowledge learned" would be grouped under "All Staff" and the Training Feedback Criteria feedback "Did you find the introduction training useful? " would be grouped under "New Staff".
How to SEARCH:
The Training Feedback Criteria Group screen includes the following fields:
Field | Definition |
Code | Unique identification code of the Training Feedback Criteria Group. |
Active | Active Status - if checked, Training Feedback Criteria Group is available. |
Language | Language used. |
Name | Name of the Training Feedback Criteria Group. |
Description | Description of the Training Feedback Criteria Group. |
Employees will fill out the trainee feedback form to provide feedback on the training course. The feedback will be linked to the appropriate Training Feedback Criteria Group.
To CREATE Training Feedback Criteria Groups follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
4. Enter Name and Description of the Training Feedback Criteria Group.
5. Click on the Save icon at the bottom of the Training Feedback Criteria Group page to save your new Training Feedback Criteria Group information. A window will appear to confirm.
Employees will fill out the trainee feedback form to provide feedback on the training course. The feedback will be linked to the appropriate Training Feedback Criteria Group.
To DELETE Training Feedback Criteria Groups follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To Verify that the Training Feedback Criteria Group has been Deleted:
Employees will fill out the trainee feedback form to provide feedback on the training course. The feedback will be linked to the appropriate Training Feedback Criteria Group.
To MODIFY training feedback criteria groups follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
Training Feedback Templates are files that serve as starting points for the training course evaluation. They contain the all the information that the training course will be evaluated on. In this application, Training Feedback Templates includes all the required training course feedback for the specific training course. These templates are then used by employees ("trainees") for providing feedback on the course that they have attended. For example, the First Aid course will be evaluated on different criteria then the typing course as they may be administered by different vendors, employees or organizations and therefore will require different templates.
How to SEARCH:
The Training Feedback Template screen includes the following fields:
Feild | Definition |
Code | Unique identification code of the Training Feedback Template. |
Active | Active Status - if checked, Training Feedback Template is available. |
Date Created | The date the template is created. |
Training Feedback Template Type | The type of training feedback that will be used, selected from the drop=-down menu. |
Language | Language used. |
Name | Name of the Training Feedback Template. |
Description | Description of the Training Feedback Template. |
Training Feedback Templates include all the required training course feedback for the specific training course.
To CREATE training feedback templates follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
4. The Date Created will be automatically generated.
5. Choose the Training Feedback Template Type from the drop down menu
6. To enter the Author, click on the Lookup icon , click on Find icon
to retrieve the Employee list, then select the Employee.
7. Select the Language, as required.
8. Enter Name and Description of Training Feedback Template.
To ADD Training Feedback Criteria to the Training Feedback Template:
To ADD new Training Feedback Criteria, refer to Training Feedback Criteria.
8. Click on the Save icon at the bottom of the Training Feedback Template page to save your new Training Feedback Template information. A window will appear to confirm.
Training feedback templates include all the required training course feedback for the specific training course.
To DELETE training feedback templates follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To Verify that the Training Feedback Template has been Deleted:
Training feedback templates include all the required training course feedback for the specific training course.
To MODIFY training feedback templates follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
Click on the Update icon at the bottom of the screen to save your modifications. A window will appear to confirm the modification. Click OK to confirm.