Accumulated Benefit Rule Tab screen Field
Fields | Description |
Id | Unique identification code of the Accumulated Benefit Rule. |
Allow Negative | If checked, indicates that it can allow negative. |
Rule Action | Select from the drop down list. |
Cost Item Scale Group | Use the lookup button to search and select the cost item. |
Accumulated Benefit Rule Maximum Tab screen Field
Fields | Description |
Amount | Amount of Accumulated Benefit Rule Maximum. |
Accumulated Benefit Rule Maximum Effect | Select from the drop down list. |
The Accumulated Benefits Entitlements include entitlement details for a Particular Pay Code, Cost Item Group and Accumulated Benefits.
Human Resourse ► Support Entities ► Accumulated Benefit Management ► Accumulated Benefit Entitlement
The Accumulated Benefit Entitlement screen includes the following fields:
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identification code of the Accumulated Benefit Entitlement |
Is Annual | If checked, indicates that the Entitlement is annual |
Include Weekend | If checked, indicates that the week-end is counted towards the entitlement amount |
Accumulated Benefit | Accumulated benefit associated to the Entitlement |
Institution | Contains the name or ID of the Institution. |
Situation Code Combination | Unique Situation Code Combination ID per Situation Code Combination, which is generated by the system. |
Category | Category ID is a parameter which can be generated automatically or manually. |
Pay Code | Unique pay Code ID generated by the system. Accompanying, Pay Code Description ex: monthly payroll. |
Cost Item Scale Group | Cost Item Scale Group associated to the Entitlement |
Cost Item Scale | The cost item scale contains the specific salary ranges |
Language | Language used |
Name | Name of the Accumulated Benefit Entitlement |
Description | Full description of the Accumulated Benefit Entitlement |
Details of the Accumulated Benefit Entitlement.
Accumulated Benefit Entitlement Detail Fields
Field | Description |
From Years | Starting from Year. |
To Years | Ending to Year. |
Number Of Days | Number of days require. |
The Accumulated Benefits option gives the user the possibility to transfer Accumulated Benefits at the end of the fiscal year to the following year or to generate Accumulated Benefits Entitlement the selected criteria. In general Accumulated Benefits Entitlement occurs when the benefits is due. Two man scenarios where this process will be used are:
1. Transfer remaining balance of Accumulated Benefits to the new fiscal year and/or
2. When accumulated benefits, for e.g vacation are not accumulated on a monthly basis but instead the employees are given on entitlement on an annual basis.
Human Resourse ► Support Entities ► Accumulated Benefit Management ► Accumulated Benefit Entitlement
The Accumulated Benefit Process screen includes the following fields:
Fields | Description |
Accumulated Benefit Process | Defines which option to choose for the process (ex. transfer, payment, reset, etc.) |
Fiscal Year | The period of each fiscal year |
Pay Code | Unique pay Code ID generated by the system |
Pay Period | Collection of 1 to many pay periods |
Institution | The organization responsible for the employee |
Generic Position | Generic Position associated to the Employee Position |
Employee | Employee Unique Identification Code |
From Employee Assignment | Represents the employee assignment that the benefit is being transferred from |
To Employee Assignment | Represents the employee assignment that the benefit is being transferred to |
From Accumulated Benefit | Represents the old accumulated benefit information |
To Accumulated Benefit | Represents the new accumulated benefit information |
This feature is useful in case someone is hired in the middle of the year and their entitlements are calculated from the date of joining.
Human Resources ► Support Entities ► Accumulated Benefit Management ► Generate Entitlements
Generate Entitlements screen Fields and Tabs:
Field | Description |
Type of Entitlement | Select from possible values ANNUAL, MONTHLY, MANUAL |
Accumulated Benefit | If type of entitlement = 'ANNUAL', display only Accumulated Benefits that have an entitlement frequency = 'ANNUAL' If type of entitlement = 'MONTHLY', display only Accumulated Benefits that have an entitlement frequency = 'MONTHLY' If type of entitlement = 'MANUAL', display only Accumulated Benefits that have an entitlement frequency = 'MANUAL' For all frequencies, the credit cost item cannot be null |
Pay Period | The Period is constructed from Fiscal Year - Pay code - Period. |
Effective Date | The user enters this date to determine when this entitlement has taken place. The start date must be less than or equal to fiscal year start date and fiscal year end date |
Employee | Provides a list of Employee to select from. |
Position Category | Provides a list of Position Category to select from. |
Cost Item Scale Group | Provides a list of Cost Item Scale Group to select from. |
Cost Item Scale | Provides a list of Cost Item Scale to select from. |
Situation Code Combination | Provides a list of Situation Code Combination to select from. |
Institution | Provides a list of Institution to select from. |